Frequently Asked Questions

We know many questions come with the various types of physical therapy practices, so we have compiled a few of the most commonly asked questions that we receive here at Coastal Rehab. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!

Do I need a referral to come to physical therapy?
The State of North Carolina is one of forty-seven states in the country who do not require a referral from a physician to receive a physical therapy evaluation or treatment. There are some exceptions; Medicare requires a referral be obtained prior to receiving physical therapy services. This referral may come from a medical doctor, physician’s assistant, or clinical nurse practitioner. Some insurance companies require a referral to provide insurance coverage. Please contact your insurance company to see whether or not a referral is required.
Physical therapists are trained experts in evaluation and treatment of neuromusculo-skeletal dysfunction. Many of you are familiar with physical therapists helping people with orthopedic problems back and knee pain or surgeries to reduce pain and restore function. Many are also aware that physical therapists treat patients that have had strokes, Parkinson’s Disease, or amputations to restore them to the maximum level of function in their homes and communities. Physical therapists treat movement dysfunctions after performing a comprehensive analysis of movement during your evaluation. A large part of the physical therapy program is directed at preventing injuries and even surgery. Physical therapists work as consultants in industrial screening settings to improve the workplace function and reduce the risk of injuries. Therapists also provide special services to athletic programs such as screening for potential injuries and problems and instituting preventive exercise programs. Sports therapy programs are specifically designed for athletes of all ages and ability levels including the weekend warrior. Physical therapists are experts in movement analysis and are able to identify joint dysfunction, tissue limitations, muscular imbalances, and structural pathologies. Physical therapists use a variety of treatment methods to cause changes in tissue and movement patterns to restore function.
Physical Therapists work in many areas involving overall health and wellness. In any situations where you need your body to move and function at it’s best, a physical therapist can help!
Physical Therapists have graduated from an accredited post-baccalaureate program and have passed their state board exam to achieve a license to practice physical therapy. Depending on the university, the physical therapy program is either a masters or doctorate level degree.
Accredited programs provide extensive training in anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, neurological sciences, disease and injury patholophysiology in addition to skilled therapeutic treatment application. Physical Therapists attend continuing education courses to stay up to date on the most current and advance treatment protocols and latest medical developments and treatment approaches.
Physical Therapy Assistants have graduated from an accredited program and passes a state board exam to receive their license for practicing as a physical therapy assistant. Physical therapy assistants receive an associate degree at graduation and complete continuing educations each year.
On your first visit your therapist will perform a thorough evaluation. This evaluation will involve a history as well as certain tests and measurements including postural and movement analysis. If appropriate, balance will be assessed, as well as hands-on palpitation to determine muscular and joint involvement. Following your evaluation the therapist will discuss the treatment plan with you, and it is quite possible you will start your treatment during this first session as well as being educated about your condition.
  • Unless you have previously filled out our new patient forms, you will need to arrive 10-15 minutes early to fill out our paperwork.
  • Your insurance card
  • Picture ID
  • Prescription for therapy
  • List of all medications you are taking
  • You should wear or bring your glasses and hearing aids.
  • If you have had any tests please bring the results/reports (i.e. X-ray, MRI CT scan, EMG/NCV).
  • In the case of an automobile accident or worker’s compensation claim, please bring any contact names, phone numbers and your claim number.
Dress comfortably. Please wear loose, relaxed clothes that you can exercise in. If needed, we will provide a hospital gown for assessment and treatment.
Each visit is typically about 1 hour; however, the duration of your treatment will depend on the type of problem we are treating and your response to therapy. If you have time constraints due to work or other appointments, please let your treating therapist know and we will do everything we can to accommodate your schedule.